IBPS RRB Officers Mains Score Card Out

ibps rrb po RESULTS

IBPS RRB Officers Mains Score Card Out

Hello Friends,

IBPS has released the score card of online Main/Single examination for CRP RRBs-VI officers scale i.e. Scale I, Scale II- Specialist, Scale II- GBO and Scale III.

Candidates those who are all appeared for the Examination can check their Scores through Below Link.

Important Dates:

  • Commencement of Result: 30th November 2017
  • Closure of Result: 31st December 2017

IBPS RRB Officers Score Card for Officers Scale-I (PO)

IBPS RRB Officers Score Card for Officers Scale-II (Specialist)

IBPS RRB Officers Score Card for Officers Scale-II (GBO)

IBPS RRB Officers Score Card for Officers Scale-III