Time And work – Set 3


Time And work – Set 3

Time and work related problems are very important for competitive exams with usually 2-3 questions coming from this section. We will be coming up with over 20 sets on time and work set problems for your practice.

1. 12 Men work 9h/ day to complete 40% of the work in 30 day. The rest work is done by 15 men,6h / day. Then workdone in how many days.
(a) 45
(b) 54
(c) 47
(d) None of these

Answers to the quiz and More questions are attached in the Sehpaathi Test Application below

Sehpaathi Test Application: CHALLENGE YOURSELF

Test: Bnk_Quant_Time-and-work-Set3


2. 120 workers can complete a piece of work in 85 days and each worker works 10h/day. All worker start the work, after 10 day all goes to strike. Due to strike, 25 day work stop. How many more worker employed to finish the remaining work if each worker works 8h / day.
(a) 105
(b) 75
(c) 101
(d) 100

3. In a hotel , food material available for 200 student for 50 days. After 10 days , 50 more students join the hostel. The rest food material a available for how many days.
(a) 22 days
(b) 25
(c) 32 days
(d) None of these

Answers to the quiz and More questions are attached in the Sehpaathi Test Application below

Sehpaathi Test Application: CHALLENGE YOURSELF

Test: Bnk_Quant_Time-and-work_Set3


4. 12 male complete a piece of work in 4 days. 15 female complete the same work in 4 days. 6 male start the work. After 2 days all male left the work. How many female required to finish the remaining work complete in 3 days.
(a) 20
(b) 15
(c) 10
(d) None of these

5. Work of 4 male is equal to work of 6 female and 9 female is equal to 12 Boys. 8 male and 6 female together work 8 hr/day to complete a work in 15 days. 2 male and 3 female and 4 Boy together work 6hr/day to complete that work so how many day will taken by them.
(a) 30 days
(b) 40 days
(c) 34 days
(d) None of these

Answers to the quiz and More questions are attached in the Sehpaathi Test Application below

Sehpaathi Test Application: CHALLENGE YOURSELF

Test: Bnk_Quant_Time-and-work_Set3


1 – B

2 – A

3 – C

4 – B

5 – B