Direction Based Puzzle Set 1


Direction Based Puzzle Set 1

Hello Readers,

This Series is based on all questions related to direction analysis in new pattern These all type of questions are very important for competitive exams

1). One morning after Sunrise, Riya and lovely were talking to each other face-to-face at Tilak square. If Lovely ‘s shadow was exactly to the right to Riya, which direction Lovely was facing?
a) North
b) South
c) East
d) Data inadequate
e) None of these

2). One evening before Sunset two friends Madav and Ram were talking to each other face-to face. If Ram’s shadow was exactly to his right side, which direction was Madav facing?
a) North
b) West
c) South
d) Data inadequate
e) None of these

3). One morning after Sunrise Pramod and Sanket were standing in a park with their backs. Pramod’s shadow fell exactly towards his left hand side. Which direction was Sanket facing?
a) North
b) East
c) South
d) West
e) None of these

Answers to the quiz and More questions are attached in the Sehpaathi Test Application below

Sehpaathi Test Application: CHALLENGE YOURSELF

Test: Bnk_Reasoning_Direction_Set1

4). Divyanshi starts from point T, walks straight towards North to point U, which is 4 ft away. She turns left at 90degree right a walks 1 ft to Q, turns left at 90 degree and goes to V, who is 1 ft away and once again turns 90 degree right and goes to R, 3 ft away. How much distance should Divyanshi cover to reach the starting point?
a) 4 ft
b) 5 ft
c) 7 ft
d) 8 ft
e) None of these

5). Nikhil walked 30 m towards East, took a left turn and walked 20 m. he again took a left turn and walked 30 m. how far and in which direction is he from his starting point?
a) 20 m, North
b) 80 m, North
c) 20 m, South
d) 80 m, South
e) None of these


1)a           2)c           3)c            4)a              5)b