Canara Bank Specialist Officers 2017 (Special Recruitment Drive) Notification


Canara Bank Specialist Officers 2017 (Special Recruitment Drive) Notification

The Canara Bank has released a recruitment notification of Specialist Officers in various disciplines (in JMGS-I and MMGS-II) and Special recruitment drive under Scheduled Tribe Category (in MMGS-II and MMGS-III).
Eligible candidates are requested to apply ON-LINE (except for the post of Manager Security) through link given in our Bank’s website No other means / mode of Application will be accepted. For the post of Manager Security, candidate has to submit physical application available in our website. Please read this advertisement carefully and ensure your eligibility before paying fees / submitting application.

Important Dates

  • Payment of Application Fee / Intimation Charges: From 15.03.2017 to 05.04.2017 [both days inclusive]
  • Opening Date and closing date for on-line registration in Website: From 15.03.2017 to 05.04.2017 [both days inclusive]
  • Last Date for Receipt of physical application for the post of Manager Security: 12.04.2017