Exam exam pattern IBPS RRB Officer Assistant


Exam exam pattern IBPS RRB Officer Assistant

Dear Aspirants

With Exams for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Mains completing last weekend, now its turn for IBPS RRB Officer Assistant to take place. Cutoff’s in the pre Exam has already shocked many. For your preparation we are here with the Probable exam pattern in IBPS RRB Officer Assistant and the type of questions which can be asked in the exam.

Sno Name of the test No Of Questions Max. marks Time
1 Reasoning 40 50 Composite time of 2 hours
2 Numerical Ability 40 50
3 General Awareness 40 40
4a English 40 40
4b Hindi 40 40
5 Computer Knowledge 40 20
200 200
*Out of English Language and Hindi Language a student can just attempt one

Probable sections from question will be asked in each Test

Numerical Ability

  • Speed Maths and Approximation (20-25 Questions)
  • Profit Loss percentage and Partnership (5 Questions)
  • Work, time and Distance (5 Questions)
  • Others (5-10 Questions)

Now Prepare for your exams with Sehpaathi Test App: Challenge yourself on levels. Challenge you with yourself.



  • Direction Based (3)
  • Syllogism (3 Statement one – 5)
  • Logical reasoning (5)
  • Statement Assumption, conclusion (5)
  • Puzzles (5)
  • Seating Arrangement (5)
  • Data Sufficiency (5)
  • Others (5)


  • Cloze Test (10)
  • Comprehension (12-15)
  • Rearrangement (5)
  • Find the Grammatical Error (5)
  • Conjunction + Preposition (5)
  • Others (10)

General Awareness:

Current affairs of October, November and December are sufficient for the exam. Do prepare banking awareness well.


Day to day computer related questions.