What was the average attempt in SBI PO Mains 2016


What was the average attempt in SBI PO Mains 2016

Dear Sehpaathians

As per our analysis and conversation with different students we come to the conclusion that the exam was very hard with most of the students attempted less than 100 questions in the exam. 

This was one of the toughest exam SBI Has ever held in the History of Probationary Examinations.

S No Section No Of Ques Level Total Marks Good Attempt
1 Reasoning & ComputerAptitude 45 Moderate 60 28-34
2 Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 Moderate 60 24-26
3 General Awareness 40 Moderate 40 20-22
4 English Language 35 Difficult 40 12-14
Total   155 Difficult 200 84-96