Sequence in which you must Attempt IBPS PO 2016: An advice

ibps po 2018

Sequence in which you must Attempt IBPS PO 2016: An advice

IBPS PO 2016 is one of the most contested and one of the difficult examinations in India. What make it more difficult is the time constraint. Its never possible to solve 100 questions in 60 minutes, but for selection we require to solve as many as possible with accuracy.

On our detailed discussion with the panelist and successful candidates of IBPS PO 2013 and IBPS PO 2014, IBPS PO 2015 Pre we would like to share our advice on how to attempt IBPS PO 2016 Pre

  1. Attempt English. Try to attempt all except comprehension. For all those aspirants who are weak in English and rely on Comprehension, here is a tip.
  2. Solve the questions on comprehension by reading the questions first and then search out keyword in the comprehension. This will help you minimize time required.
    Try to attempt atleast 16-19 questions in this section in a time frame of 12-15 minutes

Why Attempt English Sections First: The paper consists of 100 questions which need to be solved in 60 minutes. These 2 sections constitute of 100 questions which if solved in 40 minutes, it will release the pressure from you.
After completing these 2 sections you will be left with 100 questions and 80 minutes.

  1. Attempt the section you are good at. If you are confident on Reasoning: attempt it first or Attempt Quant if you find it easy. Just keep in mind a time frame for each section. Its not required to solve all 50 reasoning/quant questions, what is required is moderate attempt with maximum accuracy. Our advice allot yourself 35 minutes for Reasoning and rest for Quant.

So the final Attempt advice by us is

  1. Other Questions (General Awareness, Banking Awareness, Computer Awareness)
  2. English
  3. Reasoning/quant
  4. quant/reasoning

If you attempt a question number of 125 with even 90% accuracy be sure, you will be comfortably placed

Best of luck

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