Here is today’s 10 english words with their meaning, a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates
Daily English Vocabulary
Word: Mounted Meaning: Riding an animal, typically a horse Sentence: Synonym: seated, riding, in the saddle Antonym: afoot, dismounted
Word: Convince Meaning: Completely certain about something, believe someone Sentence: All six of them were convinced that they were right, and began arguing amongst themselves. Synonym: Assured, persuade, satisfy Antonym: discourage, dissuade, prevent
Word: Consensus Meaning: Agreed uniformly, unity Sentence: All political parties in India have a consensus that Mr. Pranav Mukharjee will be the Next President of India. Synonym: accord, consent, unity Antonym: denial, refusal, opposition
Word: Ideals Meaning: A principle to be aimed at, a person or thing regarded to be perfect Sentence: Steve Jobs is an ideal for many tech. people. Synonym: ethics, principles, goals, standards, values Antonym: Uncharacteristic, imperfect, practical
Word: Embrace Meaning: Accept willingly; hold someone closely in one’s arm, a sign of affection Sentence: Some companies quickly embraced the new ethos. Synonym: grasp, clasp, cradle, cuddle Antonym: release, uncover, disbelieve
Word: Endorse Meaning: Declare one’s public approval or support Sentence: Ankit endorsed my Java Skills on LinkedIn Synonym: advocate, sanction, confirm, recommend, praise Antonym: attack, censure, criticize, disagree, disapprove
Word: Enlightened Meaning: Spirutually aware, having or showing a rational, modern, well informed outlook Sentence: world has learnt that enlightened self-interest is good economics all over again after the Great Recession of 2009 Synonym: acquaint, advise, counsel, educate Antonym: Conceal, deceive, hide, misguide
Word: Heedless Meaning: showing a reckless lack of care or attention. Sentence: We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals Synonym: inattentive, reckless, daydreaming Antonym: attentive, cautious, observant, caring
Word: Surge Meaning: Sudden Growth Sentence: The NPA’s have surged in banking industry in the past 1 year Synonym: outpouring, rise, swell, deluge, flood, flow Antonym: decline, decrease
Word: Slightly Meaning: To a small degree, not considerable Sentence: In the past year there has been a slight drift in the working of Indian startups Synonym: kind of, marginally, somewhat, lightly Antonym: a lot, greatly, considerably