Railway Recruitment Board may Introduce Mains exam
Hello Sehpaathians,
As you All know about the Railway Recruitment Exam (NTPC) was conducted online last month, cheating was done on a large scale in this online exam.
An internal inquiry was done and the possible biggest step is going to be taken by the Chairman of All Railway Recruitment Board. According to the news , the nature of the exam is going to be changed. Initially, according to RRB notification, there was only one online computer based exam mentioned. now, RRB has come come up with additional mains exam like IBPS ,SBI, UPSC etc. (Pre+Mains). This step has been taken to conduct the exam in fair and transparent manner. This the good news for honest and hardworking aspirants.

The news has also gain some strength with RRB postpoing the result declaration which was due to be announced on 1st June 2016
We’ll update further official notification from RRB as soon as it get published
We do not take any responsibility of the news. We are quoting the news that was published in Allahabad.