Frequently Asked Banking Interview Questions 9


Frequently Asked Banking Interview Questions – 9

Dear Readers Now as the interview dates of RRB All Grades are out we bring to you very common banking interview questions with out set No 9 on the given subject. We will be updating material and Videos on a regular basis to help maximum number of candidates to cherish their dreams.

try Usually the time interval for interview for RRb exams lies between 7-9 minutes and more depending on the interest you are generating.

Sehpaathi Test ApplicationQuestions

  1. Tell me about Yourself?
    Answer :: Sir, My Name is Ashish Mittal. I have done BTech in Information Technology from JEC College Jaipur, and also completed my secondry and higher secondry school education from Jaipur. 
  2. You are an engineer. Why do you want to join the banking sector?
    Answer:: Sir, banks are undergoing rapid technological transmission. In such times sir my knowledge of computers can we very helpful. At the same time I can furnish my interpersonal skills. Banking give me an environment to develop myself to the fullest.
  3. Where do you see banking in next 10 years? 
    Answer:: Sir, I believe in next 10 years banking will be fully technologically upgraded, with minimum customer dealing in banks. Work load in banks is set to decrease with given time.
  4. Where do you see yourself after 5 years in banking.
    Answer:: Sir, after 5 years in banking I will be more matured, will be able to tackle problems more efficiently and see myself in the middle management level. I will have profound knowledge of different sectors of banking and will hopefully get enough chances to develop and shower my skills.
  5. You Graduated in 2013. What were you doing in the past 2 years 
    Answer:: Sir, I worked with a private organization at Bangalore for a year. After that I began to prepare for banking because I felt that all the skills I want to inherit and enhance in me can be done through banking.
  6. You are alone in your family. Will you be able to move to different centers in India.
    Answer:: Sir, yes I am mentally prepared to travel to different places across india and work in different conditions. This will give me a chance to enhance my skills more nicely and make banking more attractive for me.
  7. Did you prepare for the interview? What did you prepare? (questions will be asked from what you prepared)
  8. Have you attended any banking Interview Before.


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