Equality- Inequality – Set 3


Equality- Inequality – 3

Equality Inequality  comes in almost all competitive examinations. Its a mandatory part of the paper. Here is a new series of Equality-Inequality for you to practice and Practice More.

1).Statement : P ≥ Q = R > S > T
Conclusions : I. P ≥ T II. T < Q
a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either conclusion I or II follows
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
e) Both the conclusion I and II follow

2). Statement : L ≤ M < N > O ≥ P
Conclusions : I. O < M II. P ≤ N
a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either conclusion I or II follows
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
e) Both the conclusion I and II follow

3). Statement : A > B, B ≥ C = D < E
Conclusions : I. C < A II. D ≤ B
a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either conclusion I or II follows
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
e) Both the conclusion I and II follow

4). Statement : H > J = K, K ≥ L, L > T, T < V
Conclusions : I. K > T II. L ≤ H
a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either conclusion I or II follows
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
e) Both the conclusion I and II follow

5). Statement : A ≤ B = C, D > C = E
Conclusions : I. E ≥ A II. A < D
a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either conclusion I or II follows
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
e) Both the conclusion I and II follow

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Test: Bnk_Reasoning_Equality-Inequality_Set3