Current Affairs MCQ 4th october2020



Current Affairs 4th October 2020

Current Affairs of the morning are here with the top headlines of the morning. Current Affairs are very important for all competitive exams including Banking, SSC, RBI, NABARD, etc.


01. World Rhino Day is observed every year on _________.
A. 20 September
B. 21 September
C. 22 September
D. 23 September

Answer: C.

Explanation: World Rhino Day is observed every year on 22 September.
● The day is observed to celebrates and raise awareness of the need to protect all the five existing species of
● One of the five rhinoceros species living in Africa and Asia have been declared ‘critically endangered’.
● These species are- Javan Rhinos, Sumatran rhinos and black rhinos. The White Rhinos have been declared ‘near
threatened’ while one-horned rhinos are said to be vulnerable to extinction.

02. Recently, Who among the following Indian has been appointed as Regional Ambassador for India by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)- Tunza Eco- Generation.

A. Sangeeta Mahheshwari
B. Parneet Pandey
C. Khushi Chindaliya
D. Lakshay Tyagi

Answer:  C.


A 17
-old girl, Khushi Chindaliya has been appointed as

Regional Ambassador for India by the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP)

– Tunza Eco


● In her new role, Khusi will raise awareness about climate change
and the importance of environmental conservation and the need
to safeguard environmental treasures.
● She will work with the TEG on various environmental awareness
programmes till February 2021

03. Bah Ndaw has been appointed as the
Interim President of the which of the
following country’s new transition
A. Uganda
B. Mali
C. Algeria
D. Lebanon

Answer: B.

Explanation: Mali’s former defence minister, Bah Ndaw has been named as Interim President of the country’s new
transition government.
● On 19th August 2020, Mali President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita announced his resignation with immediate
effect following a military mutiny in the Republic of Mali.

04. Indian government has planned to set
up a Neutrino Observatory in which
A. Karnataka
B. Odisha
C. Gujarat
D. Tamil Nadu

Answer: D.

Explanation: The central government is planning to set up India-based
Neutrino Observatory (INO) at Bodi West Hills in the Theni
district, Tamil Nadu.
● The INO will be a world-class underground laboratory with a
rock cover that will study the neutrinos produced in the
atmosphere of the Earth.

05. International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is
observed every year on _________.
A. 23 September
B. 24 September
C. 25 September
D. 26 September

Answer: D.

Explanation: The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is observed every year on September 26.
● The day aims to raise public awareness and seek deeper engagement on nuclear disarmament matters.

06. The United Nations Climate
Change Conference (COP 26) to be
held in _________.
A. Glasgow
B. New York
C. Berlin
D. Sydney

Answer: A.

Explanation: The United Nations and Britain will co-host a global climate summit on December 12, the fifth anniversary of the
landmark Paris Agreement.
● The summit is intended to increase momentum ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26)
to be held in Glasgow in November 2021.

07. Which of the following states started
the ‘My family – my responsibility’
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Maharashtra
D. Punjab

Answer: C.

Explanation: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray expressed confidence that the recently launched campaign of My family – my responsibility by his government would strengthen the fight against COVID- 19 in the state.

● The ‘My family, my responsibility campaign launched on September 15 is aimed at effective healthcare education for control of the pandemic.
● It is being conducted in two phases- spread over September and October- with a target to reach out to 2.25 crore households.

08.  The Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with _________ to promote adventure sports activities at Tehri Lake in the state?
A. Indian Coast Guard
B. Border Security Force
C. Indian Navy
D. Indo-Tibetan Border Police

Answer: D.

Explanation: The Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board (UTDB) and Indo -Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to promote adventure sports activities at Tehri Lake in the state.
● ITBP along with the department will now work on the
building of adventure sports activities like land base
adventure centre, water base adventure centre, aero
base adventure centre at Rajiv Gandhi Adventure
Sports Academy situated at Tehri Lake.

09. Former rebel military commander
Ishmael Toroama has been elected
as president of _________.
A. Bougainville
B. Guatemala
C. Honduras
D. Costa Rica

Answer: A.

Explanation: Former rebel military commander Ishmael Toroama has
been elected as president of Bougainville.
● Toroama was a commander in the secessionist Bougainville
Revolutionary Army, and later worked on the peace and
disarmament process.
● The general election was the first since Bougainville voted
overwhelmingly to separate from Papua New Guinea at
the end of last year.

10. Who among the following has
been appointed as the new
administrator of PMC Bank?
A. Rajesh Pandey
B. Anmol Nigam
C. AK Das
D. Prabath Raj

Answer:  C.

Explanation: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has also appointed AK Das,
ex -general manager at Union Bank of India, as the new administrator of the bank, with effect from September 23
● The present administrator, JB Bhoria, stepped down from his
role as the administrator of the bank due to health reasons.
● Last year on September 23, the banking regulator superseded
the board of PMC bank, after discovering fraud and financial
irregularities in the bank, to protect the interest of the
depositors and to secure proper management of the bank.