Points to keep in mind while attempting ibps clerical pre 2015


Points to keep in mind while attempting ibps clerical pre 2015

With IBPS CLERICAL pre 2015 now scheduled to take place this weekend here are a few tips for your excellent performance and a sure ticket to IBPS clerical mains 2015

    • Remember this is a pre exam. There are no cutoff score marking. You just need to get the minimum number of marks to excel yourself for mains. Attempt the paper with patience, confidence and be accurate
    • Do not try to over attempt. Remember a candidate scoring 70 and a candidate scoring 60 will both attempt mains with no reference to your pre marks. Marks you score in IBPS clerical pre just make you eligible for the big paper. These marks are not added to your final score
    • Candidates who have score well in IBPS PO mains but flunked don’t be over-confident. Every paper is a new chapter and needs consistency
    • All those candidates who feel depressed and are not confident remember depression will downgrade your performance
    • According to us an ideal attempt in the pre exam will be
      maths 20/35
      Reasoning 20/35
      English 17/30
      Final correct attempt of 57 will seal scores in your favor.
    • Do not study before the examination. Else listen to music you love. It will help you to concentrate.
    • If your system malfunctions in between the paper, don’t let anxiety overpower you. If system malfunctions the exam starts from the exact node where you left.

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